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joi, iulie 03, 2008

Elodia Ghinescu You Are Next! se întoarce

Observ că foarte mulți telespectatori oteviști au ajuns pe-aici, căutând febril "elodia miami" și altele asemenea. În ajutorul lor, o nouă știre din Miami aici. Aștept cu interes dezbaterile de la OTV, diseară =))

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

I am one of those who wrote "Elodia Miami"on Google I'm over 40 ,a female,a teacher,but not a dumb OTV viewer,because I sometimes watch this crappy Tv channel only to see whether its "journalists" have any limit in making us feel that we live in a shitty country.
After seeing your blog and I sent to Dan Senzationescu a mail with the message"V-a facut-o !Ce fel de ziaristi sunteti voi de nu verificati sursele? E o gluma pe care au inghitit-o mai multi papagali "because I couldn't stand
how cunning or stupid they were"
In my opinion the evidence shouldn't have contained the Romanian message.It would have seemed more real.Anyway I congratulate you for your idea.I'm happy now because our children are smarter than we are,the dumb OTV viewers.

I'm looking forward to reading other smart things on your blog.
Be careful!I'll be watching you!

batmanu spunea...

Thanks, but that was not my idea. I just made a replica so that they could see "the evidence" ;)

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Vă rog să vă abțineți de la tâmpenii și vulgarități inutile.